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Weijia Jiang Bio CBS, Age, Wikipedia Biography, Husband, Married

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Name Weijia Jiang

Age / How old / Birthday / Date of Birth / DOB June 6, 1983. As of 2024, she is around 41 years old.

Wedding & Marriage / Spouse / Husband / Partner Married. Check the full bio for relationship details.

Wiki Bio / Profile Background

Introduction :

Weijia Jiang sounds completely Asian, doesn’t it? Well, Weijia is definitely one by birth. Yet, it has been effortless for her to adapt to the American way of life. This is because her family immigrated to foreign shores when she was just a child. Let’s learn a little more about this dynamic White House Reporter.

Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :

  • Weijia is a native of Xiamen in China. She was born to parents Liya Wei (mother) & Huade Jiang (father). Huade was a businessman by profession.
  • Her family moved to West Virginia in the U.S.A, when she was just two years old.
  • She is bilingual as she speaks fluent Chinese, as well as English.
  • In March 2018, she got married to her husband Travis Luther Lowe. The two also have a young daughter named Frankie Mei (Mei means beautiful in the Mandarin language)

Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info

  • After completing high school, Weijia joined The College of William & Mary, located in Williamsburg, Virginia. Here, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 2005.
  • Thereafter, she applied for a Master of Science (M.S.) degree at Syracuse University. She received her MS degree in Broadcast Journalism in 2006.
  • The Professional Gallery at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications inducted her into their prestigious ranks, in 2012.

Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :

  • Weijia forayed into the world of reporting at the tender age of 13. Channel One News in Los Angeles, hired her as a student anchor and reporter.
  • While completing her graduation at Syracuse University, she took up the role of a reporter for WBRE-TV in Scranton at Pennsylvania. However, her reporting base remained Washington D.C.
  • In 2006, Weijia headed to WBOC-TV in Salisbury, Maryland, & was their reporter, right up to 2008.
  • Next, she took up a job with WIZ-TV, in Baltimore. She was their General Assignment Reporter from June 2008 until June 2012.
  • Weijia’s next halt was WCBS-TV in the Greater New York City area. As a General Assignment Reporter, she covered all kinds of stories. She covered the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, wherein a trigger-happy individual killed several kindergarten kids. She also covered Super Storm Sandy and the bombings that occurred at the Boston Marathon.
  • Later, Jiang worked as a correspondent for CBS Newspath. She received this new designation in July 2015, after which she covered the US Presidential campaign in 2016.
  • Since July 2018, she works as the White House Correspondent for CBS News.
  • Along with fellow White House Reporter Kaitlan Collins, Weijia has had a number of explosive White House briefings with President Donald Trump.

Interesting Facts and Trivia :

  • Apart from her passion for reporting about exciting events directly from the field, Weijia loves writing feature-news.
  • She admits to being a champion at charades and consuming chocolates!
  • Although not a great singer, she admits to eternal hope to be one in the future!
  • She is a good amateur dancer.
  • Weijia admits that she is a foodie at heart.
  • She is interested in causes that concern children, education, economic empowerment, civil rights and social action.
  • She also loves to participate in anything, which involves the arts and culture.
Body Figure / Physical Info

Measurements :

  • Eye Color : Brown
  • Haircut / Hair Color : Black
  • How tall is Weijia Jiang Height : 5′4″
  • Feet / Legs / Boots / Shoe Size : No confirmed information is available.
  • Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
  • Weijia Jiang Mustache : Some Google queries related to this, but we have no idea regarding this!
Personal / Home / Contact Details
  • Weijia Jiang Married? : Yes
  • Children / No. of Kids : 1
  • Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race : Chinese
  • Nationality : American

Weijia is an inspiring example of how to make one’s dreams come true! She has achieved much since a young age. Her diligence, determination, liveliness, and intelligence have taken her to the top.

30 thoughts on “Weijia Jiang Bio CBS, Age, Wikipedia Biography, Husband, Married”

  1. Hi Weijia,

    Just saw you doing Washington Week and thought you were better than Costa. Could you tell me how you got what looks like a burn scar on your chest?

  2. Weijia- hello. I’m just wondering; why do all the other Correspondents, on yours as well as the other news services– always mispronounce your name? They ALWAYS call you “Wee Jia. ” Isn’t the correct pronunciation “Way Jia?” I’m not fluent in Mandarin, but WEI is always pronounced WAY in that language- not WEE. Just correct them- and tell them to get it right. Thanks for all your hard work, in these tough times.

  3. Weijia Jiang wants an answer to her question to Donald Trump. Tell her to email me. I am an Engineer and scientist. No matter how many tests we run not one of them will cure one person or prevent one person from becoming infected. I have been investing in what needs to be done. Without a vaccine, we need to use several disinfecting systems that have been around for 70 or more years and are in use all over but have been ignored by the CDC and the president.
    I have been trying to publish these solutions at the CBS station in Baltimore. Killing the microorganisms is the only way to reduce the spread of the virus. Scientists have known how to kill microorganisms since the 1890s. It is an engineering problem because we need to build equipment to accomplish this. Send me an e-mail. Jack Lorenz

    1. Coronavirus has spread rapidly throughout America. Weijia mentioned, the Phoenix Trump rally could have contributed to the spread of Coronavirus, this is a very possible. However, why did she not mention ALL the protests and looters, I do not see all of them wearing masks or 5 feet apart! All factors should be mentioned, this virus does not care about politics!

    2. Sorry, Jack. She wants to do the Gotcha Questions that don’t mean diddly asked of someone other than Trump.

  4. Keep up the tough journalism! It is great to see you questioning Trump so strongly. I myself was born in Taiwan and my ancestors are from the Xiamen area. My relatives were able to end fascism by the GuoMinDang by 1990’s and now my cousins in Taiwan enjoy free speech too. Every time I see Trump on TV, I hear a big noise. You are much more intelligent than he is, so keep up your tough questions!

  5. John-Henry Strathmann

    Xiaojie, qing nin yong fantizi ba ninde ming he xingzi xie gei wo. Nin daibiao xinwende gongzuo hen you yisi!

    john-henry strathmann

  6. Race baiting example of the liberal left agenda – nice try.
    How do these people ever expect to be respected, I would argue better suited for another career. I do love the depth of the other comments, “beautiful face, ” “beautiful name, ” “obviously brilliant” coming from Baltimore (?), “impressed by your intelligence” – how could anyone tell –
    yep those are all the qualifying features of the shiniest object of the day.

  7. May 11, 2020
    Today at the end of the press conference in the rose garden my heart just broke as to the way the president spoke to you. The tone and demeanor that he displays allow the racists to continue the attacks on all Asians and minorities. You asked a relevant and thoughtful question that he was just not smart enough to answer. As usual, he rambles and reads his script at the level of a third-grade child. Thank you for coming back at him even though he did not have the guts to respond as an adult would.

  8. Great job on reporting about Covid 19.We live in Prior Lake Minnesota. My wife wants to know where you got the beige coat you wore on April 10 newscast?

  9. Your utter disrespect and conduct as an alleged journalist at the April 19th COVID Press Briefing was absolutely appalling.

    1. Haha! You are a complete fool. It’s her job to ask the President the tough questions, and she does her job quite well. Thank you very much!

  10. Hi Weijia,
    I am quite impressed by your intelligence & that you’re not afraid to call out President Trump when he gives the wrong information. And you’re beautiful to look at. Keep up the good work!

  11. What an impressive stand in with questioning of Donald Trump on the Kushner “our” stockpile situation. How strong and resolute Ms. Jiang is! Very very impressive. Sign me up for her fan club on outstanding reporting and courage. If only the entire press corps was this strong!

  12. Hi, Weijia, I was surprised to find that there is a journalist in the US who has the same first name as mine. What a happy surprise! I’m much older than you are. Of your parents‘ generation in fact. My son was born in 1984. I live in Nanjing, China. So all the best to you and your family! I’m so glad that you are a high achiever. Take care!

    1. Hello Wang, her surname is not the same as yours. Read it carefully. It is “Jiang, ” not Wang. I know that Asians have trouble with details, but you should not since you have training from the Ministry of Public Security as a spy to recruit foreign Chinese in significant positions to exert influence campaigns in the West.

      1. To The Blind And Insignificant One

        Seriously? This is a joke, right? If not, then you should follow your own advice and read the original comment carefully. Clearly, the person (who is also not necessarily a government employee) wrote “first name”. Also, what do you mean by “Asians have trouble with details” and all that other crap that you wrote? You have to be joking. Why do people like you even exist?

  13. Good evening, Weijia,
    I remember watching you on WBOC-TV when I lived on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. I thought you appeared professional, articulate and obviously brilliant. I did not think you would stay long in a small market. Then when you moved on to WJZ -TV in Baltimore, I figured your next stop would be national news! A belated congratulation on your success. Best wishes for continuing success!

  14. Hello, Weijia. This is James. I recently discovered you reporting on my local CBS station (Minneapolis, MN). I was impressed by your beautiful face. You do a great job reporting on your story. I hope you keep on reporting, you have a way of making my day when I see you.
    Bye, James.

  15. Hi, Weijia. You are pride of Chinese immigrants just like me, who came from China when I was 20 years old in 1987.We educated our son to carry out Chinese cultures and we are proud that he is a naval officer serving in the US Navy after he received his bachelor degree.

    Please keep up good work and always follow you up on CBS.

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